Сигаретка без кнопки : Translation and Lyrics - Pyrokinesis
The Translation of Сигаретка без кнопки - Pyrokinesis in Spanish and the original Lyrics of the Song
Below you will find lyrics, music video and translation of Сигаретка без кнопки - Pyrokinesis in various languages.
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Сигаретка без кнопки
We present you the lyrics and the translation of Сигаретка без кнопки , a news song created by Pyrokinesis taken from the album 'МОЯ МИЛАЯ ПУСТОТА (MY DEAR VOID)'
The album is composed by 15 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by . You will find the name of the album in brackets:- Моя милая пустота (My dear void)
- Цветами радуги (Rainbow colors)
- Черное солнышко (Black sun)
- Цветочек зла (Flower of evil)
- Почему да потому что (Why? Because)
- Виа Долороса (Via Dolorosa)
- Все розы попадают в ад (All the roses go to hell)
- Сколопендра (Scolopendra)
- В городе где гаснут фонари (In a city where the lights dim)
- Пальчики паноптикум (panopticon fingers)
- Ничего не помню ничего не чувствую (I don't remember anything I don't feel anything)
- My Beautiful Madness
- Как сатурн пожирает своих детей (How Saturn devours his children)
- Дети Бабочек (Butterfly Kids)
- Ангелы не летают (Angels don't fly)
Other Albums of Pyrokinesis
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: FINAL FANTASY / ЦИКЛ 2019 ГОД (CYCLE) / Питер, чай, не Франция (St. Petersburg is not exactly France).
Audio and Video of Сигаретка без кнопки
by Pyrokinesis
Lyrics of Сигаретка без кнопки
by Pyrokinesis
Note: the material is NOT present on our server. Below is a list of sites on the Web that host the lyrics and in some cases the translation of the song Сигаретка без кнопки .