Абсолютно чёрное тело : Translation and Lyrics - Pyrokinesis
The Translation of Абсолютно чёрное тело - Pyrokinesis in Spanish and the original Lyrics of the Song
Below you will find lyrics, music video and translation of Абсолютно чёрное тело - Pyrokinesis in various languages.
The music video with the song's audio track will automatically start at the bottom right.
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Абсолютно чёрное тело
Абсолютно чёрное тело is the new single from Pyrokinesis taken from the album 'Питер, чай, не Франция (St. Petersburg is not exactly France)'.
The list of 9 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by . You will find the name of the album in brackets:- реквием по жанне дарк (Requiem for Joan of Arc) (Unreleased)
- ...+веснушки (+freckles) (Unreleased)
- да чего романтичного в птичках? (what is romantic about birds?) (Unreleased)
- ЭНТРОПИЯ (ENTROPY) (Unreleased)
- Нефть (письмо Бродскому) (Oil) (the letter to Brodsky) (Unreleased)
- Письмо и различие (Letter and difference) (Unreleased)
- Питер, чай, не Франция (St.Petersburg is not France) (Unreleased)
- зависимость (addiction) (Unreleased)
- воробьиный бог (sparrows' god) (Unreleased)
Other Albums of Pyrokinesis
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: FINAL FANTASY / ЦИКЛ 2019 ГОД (CYCLE) / МОЯ МИЛАЯ ПУСТОТА (MY DEAR VOID).
Audio and Video of Абсолютно чёрное тело
by Pyrokinesis
Lyrics of Абсолютно чёрное тело
by Pyrokinesis
Note: the material is NOT present on our server. Below is a list of sites on the Web that host the lyrics and in some cases the translation of the song Абсолютно чёрное тело .
The song "Абсолютно чёрное тело " was written by Pyrokinesis. Do you like the song? Support the authors and their labels by purchasing it.