Queixa Das Almas Jovens Censuradas: Translation and Lyrics - José Mário Branco
The Translation of Queixa Das Almas Jovens Censuradas - José Mário Branco in Spanish and the original Lyrics of the Song
Below you will find lyrics, music video and translation of Queixa Das Almas Jovens Censuradas - José Mário Branco in various languages.
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Queixa Das Almas Jovens Censuradas
We present you the lyrics and the translation of Queixa Das Almas Jovens Censuradas, a news song created by José Mário Branco taken from the album 'Ser Solidário' published on Sunday 7 January 2024
This is the list of 15 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
Here's a small list of songs that may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:- Eu Vim de Longe, Eu Vou P'ra Longe
- Queixa Das Almas Jovens Censuradas
- Linda Olinda
- Vá... vá...
- Travessia do deserto
- Fado Penélope
- Inquietação
- Fado Da Tristeza
- A Morte Nunca Existiu
- Sopram Ventos Adversos
- Eu Vi Este Povo a Lutar
- Qual É a Tua, Ó Meu?
- Não Te Prendas a Uma Onda Qualquer
- Treze Anos, Nove Meses
- Ser Solidário
Other Albums of José Mário Branco
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Mudam-se os tempos, mudam-se as vontades.
Audio and Video of Queixa Das Almas Jovens Censuradas
by José Mário Branco
Lyrics of Queixa Das Almas Jovens Censuradas
by José Mário Branco
Note: the material is NOT present on our server. The following table proposes an updated list of direct links to pages of sites that contain the text and in some cases the translation of Queixa Das Almas Jovens Censuradas.
The song "Queixa Das Almas Jovens Censuradas" was written by Natu00e1lia Correia e Josu00e9 Mu00e1rio Branco. If you like this song, we encourage you to buy it. This way you will support them.