Некуда бежать : Translation and Lyrics - Booker
The Translation of Некуда бежать - Booker in Spanish and the original Lyrics of the Song
Below you will find lyrics, music video and translation of Некуда бежать - Booker in various languages.
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Некуда бежать
Некуда бежать is the new single from Booker taken from the album 'ВЫБЕРИ ЖИЗНЬ (CHOOSE LIFE)'.
The album is composed by 15 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by . You will find the name of the album in brackets:- Больно (Hurt)
- Весна и осень (Spring and Autumn)
- Моя привилегия (My privilege)
- Девочка ушла от меня (Girl left me)
- Эта вечерника отстой, я ненавижу всех этих людей (TPSIHATP)
- Маргаритка (Daisy)
- Красная девятка (Red Nine) (Rsac Cover)
- Не жди (Do not wait)
- Подростковая любовь (Teenage love)
- Да, я такой (Yes, I am like this)
- Вот он я (Here I am)
- Екклесиаст (Ecclesiastes)
- Осень, выстрели в лицо мне (Autumn, shoot me in the face)
- Даймонд Догз (Diamond Dogz)
- Андердог (Underdog)
Audio and Video of Некуда бежать
by Booker
Lyrics of Некуда бежать
by Booker
Note: the material is NOT present on our server. Below is a list of sites on the Web that host the lyrics and in some cases the translation of the song Некуда бежать .
The song "Некуда бежать " was written by Booker, pyrokinesis e u041cu0423u041au041au0410 (MUKKA). The label is "u0410u043du0434u0435u0440u0434u043eu0433u0441 (Underdogs) (RUS)". Do you like the song? Support the authors and their labels by purchasing it.