Himno Nacional: Translation and Lyrics - Banda De La Academia Militar
The Translation of Himno Nacional - Banda De La Academia Militar in Spanish and the original Lyrics of the Song
Below you will find lyrics, music video and translation of Himno Nacional - Banda De La Academia Militar in various languages.
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Himno Nacional
We present you the lyrics and the translation of Himno Nacional, a news song created by Banda De La Academia Militar taken from the album 'Global National Anthems'
The list of 15 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by . You will find the name of the album in brackets:- Flower of Scotland by The Corries
- Het Wilhelmus by Filips van Marnix van Sint-Aldegonde
- Qaumi Taranah by Hafeez Jalandhari
- Himno Nacional de Chile by Eusebio Lillo & Ramón Carnicer
- Jana Gana Mana by Rabindranath Tagore
- Deșteaptă-te române! by Andrei Mureșanu
- Himno nacional by Banda De La Academia Militar
- Hino Nacional do Brasil by República Federativa do Brasil
- Defence of Fort M'Henry
- Der er et yndigt land by Adam Oehlenschläger
- Himno Nacional de Chile
- Deutsche Nationalhymne
- Advance Australia Fair by Peter Dodds McCormick
- Mazurek Dąbrowskiego
- Sayau Thunga Phoolka Hami by Byakul Maila
Audio and Video of Himno Nacional
by Banda De La Academia Militar
Lyrics of Himno Nacional
by Banda De La Academia Militar
Note: the material is NOT present on our server. Below is a list of sites on the Web that host the lyrics and in some cases the translation of the song Himno Nacional.
Do you like the song? Support the authors and their labels by purchasing it.