List of Songs Lyrics and Translations of 18 Karat
15 Lyrics and Translations found
- Boyz In The HoodJe Mappelle Kriminell
- ScarfaceNarco Trafficante
- FamilieNarco Trafficante
- VerrücktNarco Trafficante
- TrafficNarco Trafficante
- Smoke Weed EverydayNarco Trafficante
- Cosa NostraNarco Trafficante
- GelbNarco Trafficante
- Narco Trafficante
- 3ng
- Verliebt In Einen Gangster 2
- So Stell Ich Mir Das VorJe Mappelle Kriminell
- MoneyJe Mappelle Kriminell
- Ich BretterJe Mappelle Kriminell
- Carlitos WayJe Mappelle Kriminell