Informations about the album Je m’appelle Kriminell by 18 Karat
Saturday 1 February 2025 is the date of the release of 18 Karat new album, entitled Je m’appelle Kriminell.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Je m’appelle Kriminell / Narco Trafficante.
The list of 0 songs that compose the album is here:
Some lyrics and translations of 18 Karat
- Scarface18 Karat
- Familie18 Karat
- Verrückt18 Karat
- Traffic18 Karat
- Smoke Weed Everyday18 Karat
- Cosa Nostra18 Karat
- Gelb18 Karat
- Narco Trafficante18 Karat
- 3ng18 Karat
- Verliebt In Einen Gangster 218 Karat
- Boyz In The Hood18 Karat
- So Stell Ich Mir Das Vor18 Karat
- Money18 Karat
- Ich Bretter18 Karat
- Carlitos Way18 Karat