Informations about the album Pluto x Baby Pluto by Future
We are going to show you the latest album by Future entitled Pluto x Baby Pluto. The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Future Hndrxx Presents: The WIZRD / Monster / FUTURE / F.B.G: The Movie / Purple Reign / Life is Good / High Off Life / Dirty Sprite / 1000.
The list of 0 songs that compose the album is here:
Some lyrics and translations of Future
- Never Gon LoseFuture
- Like OhhFuture
- We WinninFuture
- Mask OffFuture
- Hard To Choose OneFuture
- Trapped In The SunFuture
- Perkys CallingFuture
- Purple ReignFuture
- Fears*Future
- Pardon Me*Future
- Pass The PlateFuture
- Too FadedFuture
- Tycoon*Future
- Made Sexy*Future
- Reward It*Future
- Strangers*Future
- Feds Did A SweepFuture
- Life Is GoodFuture
- Used To ThisFuture
- SaluteFuture