Informations about the album Purple Reign by Future
We are going to show you the latest album by Future entitled Purple Reign. The album has been released on Sunday 17 January 2016.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Future Hndrxx Presents: The WIZRD / Monster / FUTURE / F.B.G: The Movie / Life is Good / High Off Life / Dirty Sprite / 1000.
This is the list of 14 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
These are some hits sung by Future. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Purple Reign
- Perkys Calling
- Salute
- Run Up
- Drippin
- No Charge
- Hater Shit
- Purple Reign Intro
- Too Excited
- Never Forget
- All Right
- Wicked
- In Abundance
- Bye Bye
Some lyrics and translations of Future
- Never Gon LoseFuture
- Rockstar ChainzFuture
- Like OhhFuture
- We WinninFuture
- Mask OffFuture
- Hard To Choose OneFuture
- Trapped In The SunFuture
- Fears*Future
- Pardon Me*Future
- Pass The PlateFuture
- Too FadedFuture
- Tycoon*Future
- Made Sexy*Future
- Reward It*Future
- Strangers*Future
- Feds Did A SweepFuture
- Life Is GoodFuture
- Used To ThisFuture
- Chosen OneFuture
- After ThatFuture