Informations about the album Woptober II by Gucci Mane
We are going to show you the latest album by Gucci Mane entitled Woptober II. The album has been released on Saturday 1 February 2025.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Evil Genius / Mr. Davis / East Atlanta Santa 3 / The Return of East Atlanta Santa / The State vs. Radric Davis / Writing On The Wall / White Album: Why Hate Instead Take Everything / Gucci Mane Presents: So Icy Summer / The State vs Radric Davis 2: The Caged Bird Sings / Trap God 2 / Trap House III / The Return Of Mr. Perfect / The Burrprint (The Movie 3D) / Burrrprint (2) HD / Trap God / World War 3, Vol. 1: Lean / Hard to Kill / Mr. Perfect.
This is the list of 13 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
This is a small list of songs created by Gucci Mane that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Came from Scratch
- Bucking the System
- Big Boy Diamonds
- Big Booty
- Highly Recommended
- Time to Move
- Opps and Adversaries
- Last Night
- Tootsies
- Wop Longway Takeoff
- Richer Than Errybody
- Move Me
- Break Bread
Some lyrics and translations of Gucci Mane
- Rich Nigga SkitGucci Mane
- Drive FastGucci Mane
- Dangerous ClickGucci Mane
- ActivistGucci Mane
- MeetingGucci Mane
- TruthGucci Mane
- AntisocialGucci Mane
- No No NoGucci Mane
- Lil DudesGucci Mane
- Respect MeGucci Mane
- Dirty CupGucci Mane
- BreakfastGucci Mane
- Threw With That ShitGucci Mane
- Still RememberGucci Mane
- LifersGucci Mane
- Freakiest In The WorldGucci Mane
- Gucci LandGucci Mane
- Who Is HimGucci Mane
- BreastoGucci Mane
- Rain ShowerGucci Mane