Informations about the album Greatest Hits by Shania Twain
We are going to show you the latest album by Shania Twain entitled Greatest Hits. The album has been released on Tuesday 4 February 2025.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Come On Over / Shania Twain / The Woman in Me / Music from and Inspired by Desperate Housewives.
The list of 8 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that Shania Twain may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- I'm Gonna Getcha Good! (Red Single Edit)
- From This Moment On (Pop On-Tour Version)
- That Don't Impress Me Much (Dance Mix)
- Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under? (Radio Edit)
- Party for Two
- Don't!
- Forever and for Always (Pop Red Edit)
- Party for Two (Pop Version)
Some lyrics and translations of Shania Twain
- Any Man Of MineShania Twain
- Black Eyes, Blue TearsShania Twain
- I Won’t Leave You LonelyShania Twain
- I’m Holdin’ On To LoveShania Twain
- Whatever You Do! Don’t!Shania Twain
- Love Gets Me Every TimeShania Twain
- If You Wanna Touch Her, Ask!Shania Twain
- Don’t Be StupidShania Twain
- ShoesShania Twain
- She’s Not Just A Pretty FaceShania Twain
- Ka-chingShania Twain
- Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under?Shania Twain
- SoldierShania Twain
- What Made You Say That?Shania Twain
- You've Got A WayShania Twain
- That Don't Impress Me MuchShania Twain
- From This Moment OnShania Twain
- I'm Gonna Getcha Good!Shania Twain
- When You Kiss MeShania Twain
- You're Still The OneShania Twain