Informations about the album Whole Lotta Red by Trippie Redd
We are going to show you the latest album by Trippie Redd entitled Whole Lotta Red. The album has been released on Friday 18 October 2019.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: ! (Exclamation Mark) / White Room Project / A Love Letter to You 4 / A Love Letter to You 3 / Circles / A Love Letter to You 4 (Deluxe) / Pegasus / Pegasus / Pegasus (Deluxe) - Neon Shark / Spooky Sounds / Pegasus (Target Exclusive) / TRIP AT KNIGHT.
The album is composed by 26 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Trippie Redd. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- ILoveUIHateU
- M3tamorphosis
- Stop Breathing
- @ MEH
- Go2DaMoon
- Rockstar Made
- No Sl33p
- Over
- Teen X
- New N3on
- Beno!
- Popstar
- Control
- Die4Guy
- F33l Lik3 Dyin
- Slay3r
- Not PLaying
- Sky
- King Vamp
- Punk Monk
- New Tank
- Vamp Anthem
- Not Real
- On That Time
- Act Like a Fool
- JumpOutTheHouse
If you don't want to miss the live Trippie Redd concert you can follow one of the following concerts:
Some lyrics and translations of Trippie Redd
- Miss The RageTrippie Redd
- Good MorningTrippie Redd
- Sun GodTrippie Redd
- Take OneTrippie Redd
- Oomps Revenge, Pt. 2Trippie Redd
- DonTrippie Redd
- Red BeamTrippie Redd
- Too FlyTrippie Redd
- Kid That DiddTrippie Redd
- No Honorable MentionTrippie Redd
- SpaceshipsTrippie Redd
- Personal FavoriteTrippie Redd
- MoodTrippie Redd
- So StressedTrippie Redd
- Never ChangeTrippie Redd
- The NetherTrippie Redd
- MoonlightTrippie Redd
- WeeeeeeTrippie Redd
- Sleepy HollowTrippie Redd
- I Got YouTrippie Redd