Informations about the album A Love Letter to You 4 (Deluxe) by Trippie Redd
We are going to show you the latest album by Trippie Redd entitled A Love Letter to You 4 (Deluxe). The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: ! (Exclamation Mark) / White Room Project / A Love Letter to You 4 / A Love Letter to You 3 / Circles / Pegasus / Pegasus / Pegasus (Deluxe) - Neon Shark / Spooky Sounds / Pegasus (Target Exclusive) / TRIP AT KNIGHT.
This is the list of 39 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
Here's a small list of songs that Trippie Redd may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- The Way
- I Love You
- Koi
- Triple 6
- Even Steven
- Abandoned
- TR666
- Amazinggg
- Ghost
- My World
- Moon Walker
- Shine Shine
- Gang
- Talkin’ Brazy
- Straight To Business
- You & Me
- On My Set
- Where They Do That At?
- You’re the Reason
- It’s Up Mate
- Play Fair
- Blastoff
- Singalong
- Do with You
- Diamonds
- Above
- Push Up
- Hell Rain
- Matt Hardy
- Aquafina
- Sleeping Beauty
- You Ain't Gang
- You
- Chill
- Above You
- Finish Him!
If you are fan of Trippie Redd you can follow one of his following concerts around the Europe, here are some:
Some lyrics and translations of Trippie Redd
- Miss The RageTrippie Redd
- Good MorningTrippie Redd
- Sun GodTrippie Redd
- Take OneTrippie Redd
- Oomps Revenge, Pt. 2Trippie Redd
- DonTrippie Redd
- Red BeamTrippie Redd
- Too FlyTrippie Redd
- Kid That DiddTrippie Redd
- No Honorable MentionTrippie Redd
- SpaceshipsTrippie Redd
- Personal FavoriteTrippie Redd
- MoodTrippie Redd
- So StressedTrippie Redd
- Never ChangeTrippie Redd
- The NetherTrippie Redd
- MoonlightTrippie Redd
- WeeeeeeTrippie Redd
- Sleepy HollowTrippie Redd
- I Got YouTrippie Redd