Informations about the album Somewhere Down in Texas by George Strait
We are going to show you the latest album by George Strait entitled Somewhere Down in Texas. The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Honky Tonk Time Machine / Ocean Front Property / Blue Clear Sky / 50 Number Ones / Beyond The Blue Neon / George Strait / Pure Country / Something Special / Does Fort Worth Ever Cross Your Mind / Always Never The Same / Carrying Your Love with Me.
The album is composed by 10 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
This is a small list of songs created by George Strait that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Good News, Bad News
- She Let Herself Go
- Oh, What a Perfect Day
- You'll Be There
- Somewhere Down in Texas
- If the Whole World Was a Honky Tonk
- The Seashores of Old Mexico
- Ready for the End of the World
- Texas
- High Tone Woman
Some lyrics and translations of George Strait
- Carrying Your Love With MeGeorge Strait
- Amarillo By MorningGeorge Strait
- Carried AwayGeorge Strait
- Write This DownGeorge Strait
- The Cowboy Rides AwayGeorge Strait
- The ChairGeorge Strait
- Baby Your BabyGeorge Strait
- All My Ex’s Live In TexasGeorge Strait
- You're Stronger Than MeGeorge Strait
- Without You HereGeorge Strait
- Ace In The HoleGeorge Strait
- The Weight Of The BadgeGeorge Strait
- I Hate EverythingGeorge Strait
- I Can Still Make CheyenneGeorge Strait
- You Can't Buy Your Way Out Of The BluesGeorge Strait
- Every Little Honky Tonk BarGeorge Strait
- CódigoGeorge Strait
- God And Country MusicGeorge Strait