Informations about the album Love Hate by Michael Kiwanuka
We are going to show you the latest album by Michael Kiwanuka entitled Love Hate. The album has been released on Friday 15 July 2016.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Home Again / Kiwanuka.
The list of 10 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that Michael Kiwanuka may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
If you don't want to miss the live Michael Kiwanuka concert you can follow one of the following concerts:
- 2019/11/27 20:00 - Essigfabrik Köln - Cologne ( Germania)
- 2019/12/01 19:00 - Sentrum Scene - Oslo ( Norvegia)
- 2019/12/03 20:00 - Huxleys Neue Welt - Berlin ( Germania)
- 2019/12/04 20:00 - Batschkapp - Frankfurt Am Main ( Germania)
- 2019/12/07 21:00 - Fabrique - Milano (Italia)
- 1/07/2025 - Teatro Romano - Fiesole (Italia)
- 1/10/2025 - La Riviera - Madrid (Spagna)
- 1/10/2025 - Sala Razzmatazz - Barcelona (Spagna)
Some lyrics and translations of Michael Kiwanuka
- I’ll Get AlongMichael Kiwanuka
- RollingMichael Kiwanuka
- RestMichael Kiwanuka
- Hard To Say GoodbyeMichael Kiwanuka
- Worry Walks Beside MeMichael Kiwanuka
- Rule The WorldMichael Kiwanuka
- Living In DenialMichael Kiwanuka
- LightMichael Kiwanuka
- Final DaysMichael Kiwanuka
- The Final FrameMichael Kiwanuka
- Father's ChildMichael Kiwanuka
- I'll Never LoveMichael Kiwanuka
- Place I BelongMichael Kiwanuka
- FallingMichael Kiwanuka
- Black Man In A White WorldMichael Kiwanuka
- Piano JointMichael Kiwanuka
- Solid GroundMichael Kiwanuka
- HeroMichael Kiwanuka
- Home AgainMichael Kiwanuka
- You Ain’t The ProblemMichael Kiwanuka