Informations about the album Vespertine by Björk
Sunday 2 February 2025 is the date of the release of Björk new album, entitled Vespertine.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Post / Debut / Utopia / Homogenic / Medúlla / Biophilia / Volta / Human Behaviour.
This is the list of 13 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
These are some hits sung by Bjork. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Pagan Poetry
- Frosti
- Sun in My Mouth
- Hidden Place
- It's Not Up to You
- An Echo, a Stain
- Cocoon
- Aurora
- Heirloom
- Harm of Will
- Unison
- Undo
- Generous Palmstroke
If you are fan of Bjork you can follow one of his following concerts around the Europe, here are some:
Some lyrics and translations of Bjork
- OceaniaBjörk
- Hyper-balladBjörk
- Human BehaviourBjörk
- AuroraBjörk
- Fúsi HreindýrBjörk
- IsobelBjörk
- Who Is ItBjörk
- The Dull Flame Of DesireBjörk
- Alarm CallBjörk
- All Is Full Of LoveBjörk
- UtopiaBjörk
- I Miss YouBjörk
- VirusBjörk
- Desired ConstellationBjörk
- BacheloretteBjörk
- Features CreaturesBjörk
- Big Time SensualityBjörk
- It's Oh So QuietBjörk
- Blissing MeBjork