Informations about the album Debut by Björk
Monday 5 July 1993 is the date of the release of Björk new album, entitled Debut.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Post / Utopia / Homogenic / Medúlla / Biophilia / Vespertine / Volta / Human Behaviour.
This is the list of 12 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
Here's a small list of songs that Bjork may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Big Time Sensuality
- Aeroplane
- There’s More to Life Than This
- Like Someone in Love
- The Anchor Song
- Play Dead
- Human Behaviour
- Come to Me
- Violently Happy
- Venus as a Boy
- One Day
- Crying
We also inform you about the upcoming concerts of Bjork:
Some lyrics and translations of Bjork
- OceaniaBjörk
- Hyper-balladBjörk
- Human BehaviourBjörk
- AuroraBjörk
- Fúsi HreindýrBjörk
- IsobelBjörk
- Who Is ItBjörk
- The Dull Flame Of DesireBjörk
- Alarm CallBjörk
- All Is Full Of LoveBjörk
- UtopiaBjörk
- I Miss YouBjörk
- Harm Of WillBjörk
- Sun In My MouthBjörk
- Pagan PoetryBjörk
- VirusBjörk
- Desired ConstellationBjörk
- BacheloretteBjörk
- Features CreaturesBjörk
- It's Oh So QuietBjörk