Informations about the album Simulation Theory by Muse
Friday 9 November 2018 is the date of the release of Muse new album, entitled Simulation Theory.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Black Holes and Revelations / The Resistance / The 2nd Law / Absolution / Showbiz / Drones.
This is the list of 21 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
Here's a small list of songs that Muse may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Thought Contagion
- The Dark Side
- Something Human
- Pressure
- Dig Down (Acoustic Gospel Version)
- The Void
- Propaganda
- Algorithm
- The Dark Side (Alternate Reality Version)
- The Void (Acoustic Version)
- Propaganda (Acoustic Version)
- Algorithm (Alternate Reality Version)
- Something Human (Acoustic Version)
- Break It To Me (Sam De Jong Remix)
- Break It To Me
- Dig Down
- The Dark Side (Alternate Reality Version Instrumental)
- Get Up And Fight
- Pressure (Ft. UCLA Bruin Marching Band)
- Thought Contagion (Live)
- Blockades
Some lyrics and translations of Muse
- PsychoMuse
- SunburnMuse
- Map Of The ProblematiqueMuse
- Knights Of CydoniaMuse
- HoodooMuse
- UnintendedMuse
- City Of DelusionMuse
- Save MeMuse
- Sing For AbsolutionMuse
- Time Is Running OutMuse
- MadnessMuse
- SupremacyMuse
- Supermassive Black HoleMuse
- UprisingMuse
- StarlightMuse
- The Dark SideMuse
- Something HumanMuse
- ResistanceMuse
- Thought ContagionMuse