Informations about the album Showbiz by Muse
We are going to show you the latest album by Muse entitled Showbiz. The album has been released on Tuesday 7 September 1999.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Simulation Theory / Black Holes and Revelations / The Resistance / The 2nd Law / Absolution / Drones.
The album is composed by 13 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Muse. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Unintended
- Falling Down
- Sober
- Overdue
- Escape
- Sunburn
- Spiral Static
- Showbiz
- Fillip
- Muscle Museum
- Uno
- Cave
- Hate This and I'll Love You
Some lyrics and translations of Muse
- PsychoMuse
- The VoidMuse
- Map Of The ProblematiqueMuse
- Knights Of CydoniaMuse
- HoodooMuse
- City Of DelusionMuse
- Save MeMuse
- Sing For AbsolutionMuse
- Time Is Running OutMuse
- MadnessMuse
- SupremacyMuse
- Supermassive Black HoleMuse
- UprisingMuse
- StarlightMuse
- PressureMuse
- The Dark SideMuse
- Something HumanMuse
- ResistanceMuse
- Thought ContagionMuse