Informations about the album Steven Universe The Movie (Original Soundtrack) by Steven Universe
We are going to show you the latest album by Steven Universe entitled Steven Universe The Movie (Original Soundtrack). The album has been released on Monday 2 September 2019.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Steven Universe Season 5 Soundtrack / Season 1 (1-26).
The album is composed by 36 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
Here's a small list of songs that Steven Universe may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- A Special World
- Other Friends
- Finale
- Disobedient
- The Arrival
- Happily Ever After
- Once Upon a Time
- Running Out of Time
- The Tale of Steven
- Downward Spiral
- Drift Away
- Who We Are
- With Friends Like These
- Found
- Let Us Adore You
- No Ordinary Injector
- Home Sweet Home
- There's No Such Thing as Happily Ever After
- Echoes of Friendship
- Crystal Gem Huddle
- The Missing Piece
- Not Good at All
- Search Party
- Hijinks Will Ensue
- Are We Interrupting Something
- Independent Together
- Let's Duet
- True Kinda Love
- Message to the Universe
- Our Handshake
- Feelings Flooding Back
- Isn't It Love?
- One on One
- No Matter What
- System/BOOT.pearl_final
- Change
Some lyrics and translations of Steven Universe
- Cat FingersSteven Universe
- Together BreakfastSteven Universe
- Being Human [from Steven Universe Future]Steven Universe
- Laser Light CannonSteven Universe
- Love Like YouSteven Universe
- Stronger Than YouSteven Universe
- FryboSteven Universe
- I'd Rather Be MeSteven Universe
- We Are The Crystal GemsSteven Universe
- EscapismSteven Universe
- Change Your MindSteven Universe