Informations about the album Freezy Bumaye 2.0 - Es war alles meine Idee by Eko Fresh
We are going to show you the latest album by Eko Fresh entitled Freezy Bumaye 2.0 - Es war alles meine Idee. The album has been released on Friday 10 December 2010.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Freetracks & Exclusives / Freezy / The Lost Tapes / Hart(z) IV / Ekrem / B-Seiten.
The list of 19 songs that compose the album is here:
This is a small list of songs created by Eko Fresh that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Landsleute 2
- No Homo
- Dieser Sommer wird heiß
- Swagger like moi
- Breakdance
- Ich gebe niemals auf
- Public Enemy No. 1
- Intro
- Freezeynius Institut
- Kai Ebel Style
- Hey
- Rückkehr des Königs
- Ek Flow
- Die oberen 10.000
- Alles im Lot 2
- Bulletproof
- Puff Puff Puff
- Der Beste den du kennst
- Es ist nicht einfach
Some lyrics and translations of Eko Fresh
- German DreamEko Fresh
- Die Frohe BotschaftEko Fresh
- DesperadoEko Fresh
- Gheddo ChefEko Fresh
- Puff DaddyEko Fresh
- Fick Immer Noch Deine Story ExclusivEko Fresh
- The Big Branx TheoryEko Fresh
- Ich Ficke Diese WeltEko Fresh
- Westcoast RidahEko Fresh
- Der PunisherEko Fresh
- Live Zu GutEko Fresh
- Alles Oder NichtsEko Fresh
- Mach'n TauiEko Fresh
- GheddoEko Fresh
- Gd EvangeliumEko Fresh
- ZurückEko Fresh
- DreamerEko Fresh
- Nix Ist UmsonstEko Fresh
- NutteEko Fresh
- Procar ExclusiveEko Fresh