Informations about the album Ekrem by Eko Fresh
We are going to show you the latest album by Eko Fresh entitled Ekrem. The album has been released on Friday 2 September 2011.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Freetracks & Exclusives / Freezy / The Lost Tapes / Freezy Bumaye 2.0 - Es war alles meine Idee / Hart(z) IV / B-Seiten.
The album is composed by 21 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
This is a small list of songs created by Eko Fresh that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Der Punisher
- Ekrem Vs. Eko Fresh
- B-Promi Status
- Köln Kalk Ehrenmord
- German Dream
- Jenseits von Eden
- Grembranx
- Burak
- Deutschlands 1
- Unsere Kinder
- Willst du trotzdem Ficken
- Ich bin...
- Hartz 5
- Ich bleib mir treu
- Volkpartei
- Zu Extrem
- Ekrem
- Still Menace
- Straßendeutsch/Türkenslang
- Intro
- Du wolltest mich verraten
Some lyrics and translations of Eko Fresh
- German DreamEko Fresh
- Die Frohe BotschaftEko Fresh
- DesperadoEko Fresh
- Gheddo ChefEko Fresh
- Puff DaddyEko Fresh
- Fick Immer Noch Deine Story ExclusivEko Fresh
- The Big Branx TheoryEko Fresh
- Ich Ficke Diese WeltEko Fresh
- Westcoast RidahEko Fresh
- Live Zu GutEko Fresh
- Alles Oder NichtsEko Fresh
- Mach'n TauiEko Fresh
- GheddoEko Fresh
- Gd EvangeliumEko Fresh
- ZurückEko Fresh
- DreamerEko Fresh
- Nix Ist UmsonstEko Fresh
- NutteEko Fresh
- Procar ExclusiveEko Fresh
- An Alle Ladies Dieser WeltEko Fresh