Informations about the album Echo of Miles: Covers by Soundgarden

Sunday 9 March 2025 is the date of the release of Soundgarden new album, entitled Echo of Miles: Covers.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Superunknown / Badmotorfinger / Down on the Upside / King Animal (Deluxe Version) / Echo of Miles: Originals.
This is the list of 14 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
This is a small list of songs created by Soundgarden that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Can You See Me
- Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey
- Smokestack Lightning
- I Can't Give You Anything
- Search And Destroy
- Touch Me
- I Don't Care About You
- Swallow My Pride
- Big Bottom
- Homicidal Suicidal
- Stray Cat Blues
- Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin)
- Waiting For the Sun
- Earache My Eye
Some lyrics and translations of Soundgarden
- Black Hole SunSoundgarden
- Live To RiseSoundgarden
- 4th Of JulySoundgarden
- Drawing FliesSoundgarden
- Holy WaterSoundgarden
- Non-state ActorSoundgarden
- Searching With My Good Eye ClosedSoundgarden
- Worse DreamsSoundgarden
- Been Away Too LongSoundgarden
- Ty CobbSoundgarden
- Rusty CageSoundgarden
- OutshinedSoundgarden
- Jesus Christ PoseSoundgarden
- Fell On Black DaysSoundgarden