Informations about the album Down on the Upside by Soundgarden
Tuesday 21 May 1996 is the date of the release of Soundgarden new album, entitled Down on the Upside.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Superunknown / Badmotorfinger / King Animal (Deluxe Version) / Echo of Miles: Covers / Echo of Miles: Originals.
The album is composed by 17 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
This is a small list of songs created by Soundgarden that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Ty Cobb
- Applebite
- Rhinosaur
- Never the Machine Forever
- Jerry Garcia's Finger
- No Attention
- An Unkind
- Karaoke
- Switch Opens
- Never Named
- Blow Up the Outside World
- Pretty Noose
- Tighter & Tighter
- Overfloater
- Down on the Upside - Album Art
- Boot Camp
- Zero Chance
Some lyrics and translations of Soundgarden
- Black Hole SunSoundgarden
- Live To RiseSoundgarden
- Come TogetherSoundgarden
- 4th Of JulySoundgarden
- Drawing FliesSoundgarden
- Holy WaterSoundgarden
- Non-state ActorSoundgarden
- Searching With My Good Eye ClosedSoundgarden
- Worse DreamsSoundgarden
- Been Away Too LongSoundgarden
- Rusty CageSoundgarden
- OutshinedSoundgarden
- Jesus Christ PoseSoundgarden
- Fell On Black DaysSoundgarden