We present you the lyrics and the translation of Il Piede Di San Raffaele, a news song created by Ivan Graziani taken from the album 'Agnese dolce Agnese'
The list of 9 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:Lucetta Fra Le Stelle - Ivan Graziani Lyrics Translation | |
Il Piede Di San Raffaele - Ivan Graziani Lyrics Translation | |
E Sei Così Bella - Ivan Graziani Lyrics Translation |
Atlas, Rise! - Metallica Lyrics Translation | |
Angie - Fred Again.. Lyrics Translation | |
Hasta Que Me Olvides - Luis Miguel Lyrics Translation | |
Brazil - Iggy Azalea & Gloria Groove Lyrics Translation | |
Hanabi 花火 - The Peggies Lyrics Translation | |
Sleepwalk - Kshmr Lyrics Translation | |
Echo - Blasterjaxx Lyrics Translation | |
De Tanto Amor - Roberto Carlos Lyrics Translation | |
Brincar De Índio - Xuxa Lyrics Translation | |
Help Me Hold On - Travis Tritt Lyrics Translation |