Informations about the album Zuhältertape Volume 4 by Kollegah
We are going to show you the latest album by Kollegah entitled Zuhältertape Volume 4. The album has been released on Friday 11 December 2015.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Monument / Freetracks & Exclusives / Alphagene II / Chronik I / Imperator / Freetracks Compilation / King / Hoodtape Volume 1 X-Mas Edition / Playlists.
This is the list of 22 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
These are some hits sung by Kollegah. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Intro
- Nebel
- Winter
- Bye Bye Mr. President
- Zuhältertape Volume 4 - Alle Infos, Interviews und Videos
- Empire Business
- Tropische Tierpelze
- Hoodtales IV
- V.I.P.I.M.P.
- Schusswaffengeräusche
- Kool & The Gang
- Genozid
- Kalter Krieg
- Zuhältertape Volume 4 - Tracklist & Cover
- Mörder
- John Gotti
- Angeberprollrap Infinity
- Weißer Testarossa
- Blutdiamanten
- Wall Street
- Carpe Diem
- Pitbulls & AKs
Some lyrics and translations of Kollegah
- Eisen StemmenKollegah
- Ein Guter Tag Zum SterbenKollegah
- DrogenfachchinesischKollegah
- RegenKollegah
- GhettoworkoutKollegah
- Runde 41Kollegah
- MachtKollegah
- PushergeneKollegah
- Money Stack$Kollegah
- Arm Aus Dem FensterKollegah
- UntertreiberrapKollegah
- BossplayaKollegah
- NeroKollegah
- NebelKollegah
- StonehengeKollegah
- EdenKollegah
- Der Boss Is BackKollegah
- MoisKollegah
- Von Star Zu DealerKollegah
- KammerjägerKollegah