Informations about the album Young Rich Niggas by Migos
Thursday 13 June 2013 is the date of the release of Migos new album, entitled Young Rich Niggas.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Culture III / Culture II / Yung Rich Nation / No Label II / Culture / Migo Mondays / Rich Nigga Timeline / YRN 2 (Young Rich Niggas 2) / Designer Drugz.
This is the list of 19 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
These are some hits sung by Migos. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Rich Then Famous
- Out The Gym
- Bando
- We Ready
- Young Rich Niggas
- Cook It Up
- Bakers Man
- Adios
- R.I.P
- Dennis Rodman
- China Town
- Thank You God
- Versace
- Fuck 12
- Pronto
- Chirpin'
- Finesser
- Hannah Montana
Some lyrics and translations of Migos
- Trap Dab FreestyleMigos
- BarsMigos
- Street Nigga SacrificeMigos
- What’s BrackinMigos
- BirkinMigos
- Pop ThatMigos
- Need ItMigos
- Racks 2 SkinnyMigos
- Taco TuesdayMigos
- Give No FxkMigos
- Give No FucksMigos
- Bad And BoujeeMigos
- Handsome And WealthyMigos
- Playa PlayaMigos
- Culture National AnthemMigos
- Top Down On Da NawfMigos
- Made MenMigos
- Too PlayaMigos
- Work HardMigos
- Movin' Too FastMigos