Informations about the album Yo No Soy Europeo by Foyone

We are going to show you the latest album by Foyone entitled Yo No Soy Europeo. The album has been released on Saturday 8 March 2025.
The list of 1 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that Foyone may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Euromisa
If you are fan of Foyone you can follow one of his following concerts around the Europe, here are some:
- 0/04/2025 - Sala Dabadaba - Donostia/san Sebastián (Spagna)
- 0/04/2025 - Sala Santana 27 - Bilbao (Spagna)
- 1/04/2025 - Sala López - Zaragoza (Spagna)
- 1/04/2025 - Zentral - Pamplona/iruña (Spagna)
- 2/04/2025 - Sala M100 - Córdoba (Spagna)
- 2/04/2025 - Sala Barroco - Cáceres (Spagna)
- 1/02/2025 - Sala París 15 - Málaga (Spagna)
- 2/02/2025 - Sala El Tren - Granada (Spagna)
- 2/02/2025 - Sala Custom - Sevilla (Spagna)
- 0/03/2025 - Sala But - Madrid (Spagna)
- 1/03/2025 - Sala Apolo - Barcelona (Spagna)
- 1/03/2025 - Sala Rem - Murcia (Spagna)