Informations about the album No Reason to Cry by Eric Clapton
Friday 27 August 1976 is the date of the release of Eric Clapton new album, entitled No Reason to Cry.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Unplugged / Crossroads / Rush (OST) / Another Ticket / Slowhand / The Breeze: An Appreciation of JJ Cale / I Still Do / 461 Ocean Boulevard / Clapton Chronicles: The Best Of Eric Clapton / Old Sock / Eric Clapton / Behind The Sun / There’s One In Every Crowd.
The album is composed by 8 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Eric Clapton. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Carnival
- Innocent Times
- County Jail Blues
- Black Summer Rain
- Last Night
- Hungry
- All Our Past Times
- Beautiful Thing
Some lyrics and translations of Eric Clapton
- MagnoliaEric Clapton
- Swing Low, Sweet ChariotEric Clapton
- Never Make You CryEric Clapton
- BadgeEric Clapton
- After MidnightEric Clapton
- We’re All The WayEric Clapton
- Further On Up The RoadEric Clapton
- CarnivalEric Clapton
- The CoreEric Clapton
- Still Got The BluesEric Clapton
- Steppin' OutCream
- Mainline FloridaEric Clapton
- Lay Down SallyEric Clapton
- Tell The TruthEric Clapton
- Change The WorldEric Clapton
- Sensitive KindEric Clapton
- I Can't Hold OutEric Clapton
- I Will Be ThereEric Clapton
- Miss YouEric Clapton
- Lonely StrangerEric Clapton