Informations about the album We All Shine by Ynw Melly
We are going to show you the latest album by Ynw Melly entitled We All Shine. The album has been released on Friday 18 January 2019.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: I AM YOU / Melly vs. Melvin / Free M&M.
The album is composed by 16 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
Here's a small list of songs that Ynw Melly may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Mixed Personalities
- Curtain
- Control Me
- Hold Up
- No Heart
- Butter Pecan
- Why You Gotta Walk Like That???
- Alarm
- Robbery
- Ingredients
- City Girls
- Beat A Nigga Block
- No Holidays
- Fuck PNC Bank
- No More
- Rolling Loud
Some lyrics and translations of Ynw Melly
- Hold UpYnw Melly
- Mind On My MurderYnw Melly
- Had A DreamYnw Melly
- Free TrellYnw Melly
- Drop TopYnw Melly
- Wine 4 MeYnw Melly
- Mama CryYnw Melly
- Ynw Home InvasionYnw Melly
- Freaky GirlYnw Melly
- Risk TakerYnw Melly
- VirtualYnw Melly
- SuicidalYnw Melly
- In The MourningYnw Melly
- Slang That IronYnw Melly
- Dangerously In LoveYnw Melly
- 4 RealYnw Melly
- DopeYnw Melly
- Mind Of Melvin*Ynw Melly
- Stay UpYnw Melly
- My SlimeYnw Melly