Informations about the album WALK THE SKY by Alter Bridge
Sunday 2 February 2025 is the date of the release of Alter Bridge new album, entitled WALK THE SKY.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Blackbird / One Day Remains.
The album is composed by 14 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Alter Bridge. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Wouldn't You Rather
- In The Deep
- Indoctrination
- One Life
- Walking On The Sky
- Forever Falling
- Pay No Mind
- Take The Crown
- Clear Horizon
- Native Son
- Dying Light
- Godspeed
- Tear Us Apart
- The Bitter End
We also inform you about the upcoming concerts of Alter Bridge:
- 2019/11/14 18:30 - Black Box, Helsingin Jäähalli - Helsinki ( Finlandia)
- 2019/11/20 19:00 - Columbiahalle - Berlin ( Germania)
- 2019/11/22 19:00 - Haus Auensee - Leipzig ( Germania)
- 2019/11/26 19:00 - Palladium - Cologne ( Germania)
- 2019/11/27 19:00 - Zenith - München ( Germania)
- 2019/12/12 20:00 - Cirque Royal - Koninklijk Circus (Italia)
Some lyrics and translations of Alter Bridge
- The End Is HereAlter Bridge
- One Day RemainsAlter Bridge
- Broken WingsAlter Bridge
- In Loving MemoryAlter Bridge
- We Don't Care At AllAlter Bridge
- New Way To LiveAlter Bridge
- The Damage DoneAlter Bridge
- Wayward OneAlter Bridge
- White KnucklesAlter Bridge
- Break Me DownAlter Bridge
- Watch Over YouAlter Bridge
- One By OneAlter Bridge
- BlackbirdAlter Bridge
- Rise TodayAlter Bridge
- Before Tomorrow ComesAlter Bridge
- Coming HomeAlter Bridge
- Buried AliveAlter Bridge
- Brand New StartAlter Bridge
- Come To LifeAlter Bridge
- Ties That BindAlter Bridge