Informations about the album by Stefanie Heinzmann
Sunday 2 February 2025 is the date of the release of Stefanie Heinzmann new album, entitled .
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: All We Need Is Love / Chance Of Rain.
The list of 0 songs that compose the album is here:
We also inform you about the upcoming concerts of Stefanie Heinzmann:
- 2019/11/05 20:00 - OSTRA DOME & STUDIOS - Dresden ( Germania)
- 2019/11/09 20:00 - Im Wizemann (Halle) - Stuttgart ( Germania)
- 2019/11/10 19:00 - FZW - Dortmund ( Germania)
- 2019/11/12 20:00 - Modernes - Bremen ( Germania)
- 2019/11/14 20:00 - Rosenhof - Osnabrück ( Germania)
- 2019/11/15 20:00 - Kesselhaus - Berlin ( Germania)
- 2019/11/16 20:00 - Carlswerk Victoria - Cologne ( Germania)
- 2019/11/17 19:00 - Batschkapp - Frankfurt Am Main ( Germania)
- 2019/11/19 20:00 - Capitol - Hannover ( Germania)
- 2019/11/20 20:00 - Grosse Freiheit 36 - Hamburg ( Germania)
- 2019/11/21 20:00 - Lokschuppen - Bielefeld ( Germania)
- 2019/11/23 20:00 - Kammgarn - Kaiserslautern ( Germania)
- 2019/11/26 20:00 - WUK Werkstätten- & Kulturhaus - Vienna ( Austria)
- 2019/11/27 20:00 - Hirsch - Nürnberg ( Germania)
- 2019/11/28 20:00 - Technikum - München ( Germania)
- 1/09/2025 - Stadthalle - Verden (Germania)