Informations about the album Up to Now by Snow Patrol
Sunday 30 November 2008 is the date of the release of Snow Patrol new album, entitled Up to Now.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Reworked EP 1 / Eyes Open / Final Straw / A Hundred Million Suns / Reworked / Wildness / Fallen Empires.
The album is composed by 15 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
Here's a small list of songs that Snow Patrol may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Just Say Yes
- Dark Roman Wine
- Cartwheels
- You Are My Joy
- Starfighter Pilot
- On/Off
- Crazy In Love
- Signal Fire
- An Olive Grove Facing the Sea
- Give Me Strength
- Fifteen Minutes Old
- Batten Down the Hatch
- Ask Me How I Am
- Making Enemies
Some lyrics and translations of Snow Patrol
- Make This Go On ForeverSnow Patrol
- The Lightning Strike - Commentary VersionSnow Patrol
- Those Distant BellsSnow Patrol
- Shut Your EyesSnow Patrol
- Tiny Little FracturesSnow Patrol
- A Youth Written In FireSnow Patrol
- Crack The ShuttersSnow Patrol
- Called Out In The DarkSnow Patrol
- Heal MeSnow Patrol
- I Think Of HomeSnow Patrol
- You're All I HaveSnow Patrol
- Made Of Something Different NowSnow Patrol
- Set Fire To The Third BarSnow Patrol
- Take Back The CitySnow Patrol
- How To Be DeadSnow Patrol
- Set The Fire To The Third BarSnow Patrol
- Chasing CarsSnow Patrol
- Open Your EyesSnow Patrol
- RunSnow Patrol
- ChocolateSnow Patrol