Informations about the album Up (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture) by Michael Giacchino
Tuesday 26 May 2009 is the date of the release of Michael Giacchino new album, entitled Up (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture).
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Inside Out: Original Soundtrack / Doctor Strange (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) / Bad Times at the El Royale (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) / The Incredibles (Music from the Motion Picture) / Spider-Man: Far From Home (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) / Star Trek Beyond (Music from the Motion Picture) / Coco (Banda Sonora Original en Español).
The list of 26 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by Michael Giacchino. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Up with Titles
- The Ellie Badge
- Married Life
- Kevin Beak'n
- We're in the Club Now
- Memories Can Weigh You Down
- Stuff We Did
- The Small Mailman Returns
- Up with End Credits
- It's Just a House
- Meet Kevin in the Jungle
- The Nickel Tour
- Three Dog Dash
- The Spirit of Adventure
- Paradise Found
- The Explorer Motel
- Giving Muntz the Bird
- Carl Goes Up
- Escape from Muntz Mountain
- Seizing the Spirit of Adventure
- Carl's Maiden Voyage
- Canine Conundrum
- He's Got the Bird
- Walkin' the house
- Muntz's Dark Reverie
- 52 Chachki Pickup