Informations about the album Up Now, Fuck Next by Smokepurpp
Tuesday 22 November 2016 is the date of the release of Smokepurpp new album, entitled Up Now, Fuck Next.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Deadstar 2 / In The Meantime / FLORIDA JIT.
The album is composed by 6 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Smokepurpp. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Karo
- One Thing
- Datwaydisway
- Stretch That Money
- Fuck A Swisher
Some lyrics and translations of Smokepurpp
- Not CodeSmokepurpp
- Tide PenSmokepurpp
- Off My ChestSmokepurpp
- 6 RingsSmokepurpp
- What I PleaseSmokepurpp
- Audi IiSmokepurpp
- Tankhead InterludeSmokepurpp
- Piggy BankSmokepurpp
- Watching MeSmokepurpp
- DistanceSmokepurpp
- I Put My Red Bottoms On Her Thousand Dollar FurnitureSmokepurpp
- On Go!Smokepurpp
- Devil In A Tight DressSmokepurpp
- Left Cheek, Right Cheek*Smokepurpp
- But I Still Respect WomenSmokepurpp
- Sauce Like ThisSmokepurpp
- The MatrixSmokepurpp
- NephewSmokepurpp
- Duck!Smokepurpp
- In The ReignSmokepurpp