Informations about the album Halcyon Days by Ellie Goulding
Friday 23 August 2013 is the date of the release of Ellie Goulding new album, entitled Halcyon Days.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Halcyon / Bright Lights / Delirium / NOW That’s What I Call Music! Vol. 72 / Soundtracks / Brightest Blue.
The album is composed by 10 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Ellie Goulding. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Under Control
- Hearts Without Chains
- Midas Touch
- Tessellate
- Hanging On
- Goodness Gracious
- Stay Awake
- Hanging On (Edit)
- Flashlight by DJ Fresh
- You My Everything
Some lyrics and translations of Ellie Goulding
- Hanging OnEllie Goulding
- Beating HeartEllie Goulding
- Under The SheetsEllie Goulding
- The WriterEllie Goulding
- Something In The Way You MoveEllie Goulding
- My BloodEllie Goulding
- Dead In The WaterEllie Goulding
- Anything Could HappenEllie Goulding
- Don’t Say A WordEllie Goulding
- Love I’m GivenEllie Goulding
- Two Years AgoEllie Goulding
- New HeightsEllie Goulding
- PowerEllie Goulding
- We Can't Move To ThisEllie Goulding
- Little DreamsEllie Goulding
- Worry About MeEllie Goulding
- ParadiseEllie Goulding
- Still Falling For YouEllie Goulding
- Hate MeEllie Goulding
- O Holy NightEllie Goulding