Informations about the album Ultra by Depeche Mode
Monday 14 April 1997 is the date of the release of Depeche Mode new album, entitled Ultra.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Speak & Spell / Music for the Masses / Violator / Construction Time Again / Black Celebration / Songs of Faith and Devotion / Exciter / Some Great Reward / Playing the Angel / Spirit / The Best of Depeche Mode, Volume 1 / Sounds of the Universe / A Broken Frame.
The album is composed by 20 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
This is a small list of songs created by Depeche Mode that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Useless
- Painkiller
- It's No Good
- Surrender
- Headstar
- Freestate
- The Bottom Line
- Junior Painkiller
- Barrel of a Gun
- Barrel of a Gun (Live)
- Insight
- Useless (Live)
- Jazz Thieves
- Home
- Uselink
- Slowblow
- It's No Good (Live)
- Sister of Night
- The Love Thieves
- Only When I Lose Myself
Some lyrics and translations of Depeche Mode
- Walking In My ShoesDepeche Mode
- Sea Of SinDepeche Mode
- PreciousDepeche Mode
- A Question Of TimeDepeche Mode
- HaloDepeche Mode
- My Secret GardenDepeche Mode
- PeaceDepeche Mode
- Remotivate MeDepeche Mode
- Policy Of TruthDepeche Mode
- Never Let Me Down AgainDepeche Mode
- Cover MeDepeche Mode
- So Much LoveDepeche Mode
- Happiest GirlDepeche Mode
- A Pain That I’m Used ToDepeche Mode
- JudasDepeche Mode
- Dressed In BlackDepeche Mode
- New LifeDepeche Mode
- Master And ServantDepeche Mode
- Dream OnDepeche Mode
- In Your RoomDepeche Mode