Informations about the album ZENIT by Raf Camora
Sunday 2 February 2025 is the date of the release of Raf Camora new album, entitled ZENIT.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Anthrazit / ZENIT / Hoch 2 / ZENIT RR.
This is the list of 34 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
This is a small list of songs created by Raf Camora that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Puta Madre
- Zenit
- Risiko 2.0
- Cinema by RAF Camora & Gallo Nero
- Resumee Rabe
- ZENIT Snippet
- Resumee Worte
- Adriana
- Finale 1150
- Resumee Risiko
- Kreiert
- Unnormal by RAF Camora & Bonez MC
- Verändert by RAF Camora & Bonez MC
- Legenda
- Sag ihnen 2
- Nichts als nichts
- Vendetta RR
- Vendetta
- Fratello
- Sag ihnen, Pt. 2
- Meteorit
- Raben
- Worte 2.0
- Favelas
- Ferrari 488
- Verändert
- Es geht voran/Diamant
- Dynamit
- Genkidama
- Krieg
- Weiß nicht
- Traum
- Unnormal
- Zivilisiert
If you don't want to miss the live Raf Camora concert you can follow one of the following concerts:
Some lyrics and translations of Raf Camora
- NiemalsRaf Camora
- ViennaRaf Camora
- Zenit Rr SnippetRaf Camora
- Denk Nicht, Du Bleibst HierRaf Camora
- GewarntRaf Camora
- FlexRaf Camora
- Bin WegRaf Camora
- Resumee RisikoRaf Camora
- LegendaRaf Camora
- Vendetta RrRaf Camora
- KreiertRaf Camora
- Resumee WorteRaf Camora
- MeteoritRaf Camora
- Resumee RabeRaf Camora
- TräumerRaf Camora
- Finale 1150Raf Camora
- Nichts Als NichtsRaf Camora
- ZenitRaf Camora
- UnnormalRaf Camora
- VerändertRaf Camora