Informations about the album The Best of… So Far (Deluxe) by The Kooks
We are going to show you the latest album by The Kooks entitled The Best of… So Far (Deluxe). The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Sofa Song - Single / Junk of the Heart / Listen / Konk / Inside In / Inside Out.
The album is composed by 25 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by The Kooks. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Always Where I Need to Be
- Bad Habit
- California
- If Only
- Constantine's Love (Demo)
- Matchbox
- Slave to the Game
- Suburbs (Demo)
- Disappear (Demo)
- Creatures of Habit
- Sofa Song (Demo)
- Seaside
- Shine On (Demo)
- Naive
- Broken Vow
- Pull Me In
- Lesson Number 3 (Demo)
- Naïve (Alternate Version)
- Bus Song
- She Moves in Her Own Way
- Lonely Cat (Demo)
- You Don't Love Me
- Eddie's Gun (2005 Version)
- Ooh La
- Eddie's Gun
Some lyrics and translations of The Kooks
- Sweet EmotionThe Kooks
- She Moves In Her Own WayThe Kooks
- NaiveThe Kooks
- Are We ElectricThe Kooks
- Always Where I Need To BeThe Kooks
- Too Much Of NothingThe Kooks
- Bad HabitThe Kooks
- How'd You Like ThatThe Kooks
- Something To SayThe Kooks
- So Good LookingThe Kooks
- Chicken BoneThe Kooks
- Fractured And DazedThe Kooks
- No PressureThe Kooks
- All The TimeThe Kooks