Informations about the album Trisha Yearwood by Trisha Yearwood
Tuesday 2 July 1991 is the date of the release of Trisha Yearwood new album, entitled Trisha Yearwood.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Every Girl / The Sweetest Gift / Where Your Road Leads / Let’s Be Frank / (Songbook) A Collection Of Hits.
The list of 10 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that Trisha Yearwood may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Victim of the Game
- She's In Love With The Boy
- The Whisper of Your Heart
- Fools Like Me
- Like We Never Had a Broken Heart
- When Goodbye Was a Word
- Lonesome Dove
- You Done Me Wrong
- That's What I Like About You
- The Woman Before Me
Some lyrics and translations of Trisha Yearwood
- Perfect LoveTrisha Yearwood
- What Gave Me AwayTrisha Yearwood
- That Ain't the Way I Heard ItTrisha Yearwood
- Victim Of The GameTrisha Yearwood
- I’ll Carry You HomeTrisha Yearwood
- For The Last TimeTrisha Yearwood
- Where Your Road LeadsTrisha Yearwood
- It Wasn't His ChildTrisha Yearwood
- Love You AnywayTrisha Yearwood