Informations about the album L.A. Is My Lady by Frank Sinatra
We are going to show you the latest album by Frank Sinatra entitled L.A. Is My Lady. The album has been released on Wednesday 30 November 1983.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: The Sinatra Family Wish You a Merry Christmas / That’s Life / It Might as Well Be Swing / Songs for Swingin’ Lovers! / My Way / Strangers in the Night / Christmas Songs by Sinatra / A Jolly Christmas From Frank Sinatra / Songs for Young Lovers / Sinatra Sings Days of Wine and Roses, Moon River, and Other Academy Award Winners / Some Nice Things I’ve Missed / September of My Years / In the Wee Small Hours / Frankly Sentimental / Cycles / The Frank Sinatra Story in Music / A Swingin’ Affair! / Where Are You? / A Man and His Music / A Man Alone & Other Songs of Rod McKuen / Sinatra & Company / Sinatra & Strings / This Is Sinatra! / Trilogy: Past, Present, Future / Swing Along With Me / Ol’ Blue Eyes Is Back.
The list of 8 songs that compose the album is here:
Here's a small list of songs that Frank Sinatra may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Mack The Knife
- After You've Gone
- Until The Real Thing Comes Along
- It's All Right With Me
- How Do You Keep The Music Playing?
- The Best Of Everything
- If I Should Lose You
- L.A. Is My Lady
Some lyrics and translations of Frank Sinatra
- You Will Be My MusicFrank Sinatra
- You’re Nobody ’til Somebody Loves YouFrank Sinatra
- Street Of DreamsFrank Sinatra
- Let It SnowFrank Sinatra
- White ChristmasFrank Sinatra
- The First NoëlFrank Sinatra
- Silent NightFrank Sinatra
- Winchester CathedralFrank Sinatra
- I’ve Got The World On A StringFrank Sinatra
- What Now My LoveFrank Sinatra
- The Christmas SongFrank Sinatra
- MistyFrank Sinatra
- I Will Drink The WineFrank Sinatra
- Love’s Been Good To MeFrank Sinatra
- They Came To CorduraFrank Sinatra
- The Oldest EstablishedFrank Sinatra
- All Or Nothing At AllFrank Sinatra
- Days Of Wine And RosesFrank Sinatra
- From Both Sides, NowFrank Sinatra
- A Foggy DayFrank Sinatra