Informations about the album Toujours le même by Lacrim
We are going to show you the latest album by Lacrim entitled Toujours le même. The album has been released on Monday 17 December 2012.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Lacrim / R.I.P.R.O, Vol. 3 / R.I.P.R.O, Vol. 1 / R.I.P.R.O, volume 4.
This is the list of 16 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
These are some hits sung by Lacrim. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Sors ton portable
- Q'un homme et fier de l'être
- Les amis
- Intro
- Un arabe à Miami
- Wild Boy - Remix
- Outro by Rimkus
- Spartiate
- Toujours le même
- Dolce Vita
- C'est nous
- Et ouais mon pote
- Dos en or
- T-Max Music
- Combien et qui?
- Je viens de...
We also inform you about the upcoming concerts of Lacrim:
Some lyrics and translations of Lacrim
- Emilio GaviriaLacrim
- Sam & DrissLacrim
- Le Petit NicolasLacrim
- ZizouLacrim
- Rafa & CarlosLacrim
- PicassoLacrim
- Nipsey HussleLacrim
- KadyrovLacrim
- Big MeechLacrim
- El ProfessorLacrim
- VégétaLacrim
- Penelope CruzLacrim
- Boston GeorgeLacrim
- Éric CantonaLacrim
- DadinhoLacrim
- DraculaLacrim
- Jacques ChiracLacrim
- Allez Nique Ta MèreLacrim
- Sors Ton PortableLacrim
- ÉprouvéLacrim