Informations about the album To the World & Beyond by Sun-El Musician
We are going to show you the latest album by Sun-El Musician entitled To the World & Beyond. The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
This is the list of 30 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
This is a small list of songs created by Sun-el Musician that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Ubomi Abumanga
- Lengane (Unreleased)
- Kwalula (Unreleased)
- Chasing Summer (Unreleased)
- Fly Again (Unreleased)
- Midlife Crisis (Running out of Time) (Unreleased)
- Buyisa (Unreleased)
- Garden (Unreleased)
- Abazali (Unreleased)
- Call Me (Unreleased)
- Ilanga (Unreleased)
- Mr Right (Unreleased)
- To the World (Unreleased)
- Amasosha (Unreleased)
- Superhero (Unreleased)
- Ngiwelele (Unreleased)
- Love (Unreleased)
- Love Is Blind (Unreleased)
- Ithemba (Unreleased)
- Uhuru (Unreleased)
- Van Damme (Unreleased)
- Opelenge (Unreleased)
- Mngani Wami (Unreleased)
- Goduka (Unreleased)
- Fire (Unreleased)
- Mandinaye (Unreleased)
- Salanabani (Remix) (Unreleased)
- Without You (Unreleased)
- Proud of You (Unreleased)
- Time Wasted (Unreleased)