Informations about the album Titanic by Francesco De Gregori
Monday 30 November 1981 is the date of the release of Francesco De Gregori new album, entitled Titanic.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Viva L’Italia / De Gregori / Scacchi E Tarocchi / Terra di nessuno / Rimmel / Sulla strada / La valigia dell’attore / Amore nel pomeriggio.
The album is composed by 9 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
This is a small list of songs created by Francesco De Gregori that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- I Muscoli Del Capitano
- Centocinquanta Stelle
- La Leva Calcistica Della Classe '68
- Belli Capelli
- Rollo & His Jets
- Caterina
- San Lorenzo
- Titanic
- L'Abbigliamento Di Un Fuochista
Some lyrics and translations of Francesco De Gregori
- Sempre E Per SempreFrancesco De Gregori
- La Donna CannoneFrancesco De Gregori
- Omero Al CantagiroFrancesco De Gregori
- Pane E CastagneFrancesco De Gregori
- RimmelFrancesco De Gregori
- Mimì SaràFrancesco De Gregori
- Le Strade Di LeiFrancesco De Gregori
- La StoriaFrancesco De Gregori
- GeneraleFrancesco De Gregori
- Viva L'italiaFrancesco De Gregori