Informations about the album Tin Wooki by Chester Watson
Sunday 9 March 2014 is the date of the release of Chester Watson new album, entitled Tin Wooki.
The album is composed by 27 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
These are some hits sung by Chester Watson. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Sycamore
- PicBascassquiato
- Ded Hills
- Fck
- Ancient Technique
- Ichikotu
- Dustbowl
- Villin
- Film Noir
- Mammoth
- Ogre
- Camels and Cranes
- Monotone Samurai
- Execution
- Smoke Veteran
- Mute Siren
- Midwest
- Casanegra
- Bog Me Čuva
- Creed
- Chinamen
- The Witches Curse
- Sweets
- Ceremony
- Sir Metal Wig
- Yetti
- Will Darkness