Informations about the album Tidal by Fiona Apple
We are going to show you the latest album by Fiona Apple entitled Tidal. The album has been released on Tuesday 23 July 1996.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: When the Pawn... / The Idler Wheel... / Fetch the Bolt Cutters / Rave On Buddy Holly.
The list of 10 songs that compose the album is here:
This is a small list of songs created by Fiona Apple that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- Sleep To Dream
- Slow Like Honey
- Carrion
- Never Is a Promise
- Pale September
- The First Taste
- Criminal
- Shadowboxer
- The Child Is Gone
- Sullen Girl
Some lyrics and translations of Fiona Apple
- EverydayFiona Apple
- I Can’t Wait To Meet YouFiona Apple
- ContainerFiona Apple
- On I GoFiona Apple
- DrumsetFiona Apple
- For HerFiona Apple
- CosmonautsFiona Apple
- Heavy BalloonFiona Apple
- LadiesFiona Apple
- NewspaperFiona Apple
- Rack Of HisFiona Apple
- RelayFiona Apple
- Under The TableFiona Apple
- Fetch The Bolt CuttersFiona Apple
- I Want You To Love MeFiona Apple
- ShameikaFiona Apple
- ValentineFiona Apple
- Fast As You CanFiona Apple