Informations about the album The White Stripes by The White Stripes
Tuesday 15 June 1999 is the date of the release of The White Stripes new album, entitled The White Stripes.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Elephant / White Blood Cells / Icky Thump / Under Great White Northern Lights.
The album is composed by 19 songs. You can click on the songs to see the corresponding lyrics and translations:
This is a small list of songs created by The White Stripes that could be sung during the concert, including the name of the album from where each song came:
- I Fought Piranhas
- Screwdriver
- Cannon
- Do
- Broken Bricks
- One More Cup of Coffee
- Let's Shake Hands
- Sugar Never Tasted So Good
- When I Hear My Name
- St. James Infirmary Blues
- Little People
- Slicker Drips
- Lafayette Blues
- Wasting My Time
- Jimmy the Exploder
- Suzy Lee
- Stop Breaking Down
- The Big Three Killed My Baby
- Astro
Some lyrics and translations of The White Stripes
- Offend In Every WayThe White Stripes
- The Hardest Button To ButtonThe White Stripes
- Blue OrchidThe White Stripes
- Little Cream SodaThe White Stripes
- Hotel YorbaThe White Stripes
- JoleneThe White Stripes
- Rag And BoneThe White Stripes
- Icky ThumpThe White Stripes
- We’re Going To Be FriendsThe White Stripes
- Ball And BiscuitThe White Stripes
- Seven Nation ArmyThe White Stripes