Informations about the album Show and Prove by Wiz Khalifa
We are going to show you the latest album by Wiz Khalifa entitled Show and Prove. The album has been released on Sunday 2 February 2025.
We want to remind you some other old album preceeding this one: Furious 7: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack / Amber Kush Mixtape / Prince of the City 2 / The Saga of Wiz Khalifa / Rolling Papers / The Saga of Wiz Khalifa (Deluxe).
The list of 17 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by Wiz Khalifa. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- Sometimes
- Never Too Late
- Burn Sumthin
- Too Late
- Gotta Be A Star
- Locked & Loaded
- History in the Making
- Let Em Know
- Keep the Conversation
- Bout Mine
- I'm Gonna Ride
- Pittsburgh Sound
- Damn Thing
- Stay In Ur Lane
- History in the Making/Never Too Late
- Crazy Since The 80's
- I Choose You
Some lyrics and translations of Wiz Khalifa
- PovWiz Khalifa
- Black And YellowWiz Khalifa
- Hello KittyWiz Khalifa
- RacksYc
- Clouds In The AirWiz Khalifa
- Out In SpaceWiz Khalifa
- Y U MadWiz Khalifa
- Still WizWiz Khalifa
- High TodayWiz Khalifa
- ContactWiz Khalifa
- BammerWiz Khalifa
- Should I Feel BadWiz Khalifa
- Real EstateWiz Khalifa
- See You AgainWiz Khalifa
- Reach For The StarsWiz Khalifa
- Fr FrWiz Khalifa
- Gin & DrugsWiz Khalifa
- 420 FreestyleWiz Khalifa
- Something NewWiz Khalifa