Informations about the album The Spaghetti Incident? by Guns N’ Roses
We are going to show you the latest album by Guns N’ Roses entitled The Spaghetti Incident?. The album has been released on Tuesday 23 November 1993.
This album is definitely not the first of his career. For example we want to remind you albums like Appetite for Destruction (Super Deluxe Edition) / G N’ R Lies / Use Your Illusion I / Appetite for Destruction (Super Deluxe Edition) / Use Your Illusion II.
The list of 13 songs that compose the album is here:
These are some hits sung by Guns N’ Roses. You will find the name of the album in brackets:
- New Rose
- Since I Don't Have You
- Buick Mackane
- Attitude
- Ain't it Fun
- You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory
- Raw Power
- Look at Your Game, Girl
- Down on the Farm
- I Don't Care About You
- Hair of the Dog
- Human Being
- Black Leather
If you don't want to miss the live Guns N’ Roses concert you can follow one of the following concerts:
Some lyrics and translations of Guns N’ Roses
- EstrangedGuns N’ Roses
- Anything GoesGuns N’ Roses
- One In A MillionGuns N’ Roses
- Mr. BrownstoneGuns N’ Roses
- Live And Let DieGuns N’ Roses
- Right Next Door To HellGuns N’ Roses
- Sympathy For The DevilGuns N’ Roses
- November Rain (Acoustic Version / 1986 Sound City Sessions)Guns N’ Roses
- New RoseGuns N’ Roses
- There Was A TimeGuns N’ Roses
- Welcome To The JungleGuns N’ Roses
- Civil WarGuns N’ Roses
- NightrainGuns N’ Roses
- I Don't Care About You/ Look At Your Game, GirlGuns N’ Roses
- You Could Be MineGuns N’ Roses
- Dead HorseGuns N’ Roses
- Think About YouGuns N’ Roses
- Rocket QueenGuns N’ Roses
- PatienceGuns N’ Roses
- Sweet Child O’ MineGuns N’ Roses