Informations about the album Finny Megamixes by Finny Music
Wednesday 30 November 2016 is the date of the release of Finny Music new album, entitled Finny Megamixes.
This is the list of 37 songs contained into the album. You can click on one to see the corresponding lyrics and translations.
Here's a small list of songs that Finny Music may decide to sing, including the name of the corrisponding album for each song:
- Partna Dem
- Pound Cake
- Hurricane
- Thotiana
- Say You Will
- Tunnel Vision
- I'm On One
- 6 God
- Lord Knows
- Thrift Shop/$ave Dat Money
- Suge
- Redbone
- All I Do Is Win
- Who Dat
- No Frauds
- She Will/Mask Off
- The Race
- New Freezer
- Gucci Gang
- Forever
- Oldie
- Chiraq
- Fuckin' Problems
- Nuketown
- The Dark & Twisted Life of Pablo
- Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe
- Ima Boss
- No Lie
- Black Beatles
- Who Run It/Bring It Back/Look Alive
- Gummo
- New Slaves
- Congratulations
- Reborn
- THat Part
- Family Feud
- Bank Account/XO TOUR Llif3